Day 142..#School’s OUT! with 65 days remaining till I go back officially came to an end today..well tomorrow..but I don’t have any it’s today!

If I were back home..I would’ve had my last exam last Friday and now be Graduating with my friends..but I’m not..I’m in Lisbon..such is!

My 1st exam is in 10 days..and seeming as I only finished class today..I am taking the rest of the day to relax and the hard work will commence tomorrow morning from 10am..

I’m sitting here, listening to Floetry‘s “Say Yes”, trying to see if I’m clever enough to type with my eyes closed! I can!

I’m AWESOME!! ha ha ha!


Anywho..I’ve been craving weird things weird Orange Juice..*YUCK*

cannot stand OJ, it physically makes me sick.

If anything, I can only have it before 11am. And it has to be Tropicana. I’m not picky am I? Lol, but’s not something I drink willingly..*shudders*

The fruit I don’t mind..but like..the juice..


You have no idea how excited I will be come June 15th at 10:30am when my last exam is over…

I’ll probably back flip out of Uni (which would be totally awesome if I could actually back-flip..ha ha..*I’m so funny* ha)

But I plan to sleep for 2 days afterwards *..updating my blog daily of course..* and then enjoying my last month here in the crazy summer sun..

But like I said..I’ll  update you periodically..if you want..but even if you don’t..I’ll do so anyway..because I think maybe it’ll be something you like to I’ll need awesome people to share it with..

..That’s where you come in..*wink*

I could’ve just done this: 😉

Anyway..I have to go back to..errm..scuba diving in my Okay I was watching the news lol!

*For the record I do not have a tub..I know..sad times..the things I could do..but I’ve said that before..let’s not go there*


And I was telling myself all last week..that was confirmed to me today..

Remember..God never gives us more than we can bear..

Be Blessed y’all!!

~ by originalapplejunkie on May 21, 2012.

15 Responses to “Day 142..#School’s OUT!”

  1. what a rush of freedom, when u fill out that last question!!!!

  2. Wow, do you feel like your time in Portugal has passed quickly? I wish I had done something like that at uni or between courses etc… How fabulous! Enjoy that summer sun! 🙂 Good luck with the rest of your exams, it sounds like you’ve worked extremely hard, go you! 🙂

    • A year surely has gone extremely quickly I must say..just over 2 months’s!
      Last week it was between 28 and 35 degrees. I didn’t know I could even tan until last week..smh..
      Thank you! I hope I am able to retain the work I’m revising..I’ll be the happiest bunny in the world come June 15th!:P

  3. Orange juice made me nauseous when I was pregnant with both of my girls, so I understand how you feel. I only seem to want it now when I’m sick with a cold, and then it has to be certain brands mixed with 7-up or Sprite. I don’t mind oranges, but they never last very long in our home because once Jk knows we have them the oranges are gone in just a couple of days. I do hate the peelings getting under my fingernails though so that keeps me from wanting them too often…lol.
    It seems like you will be home in the U.S. by fall then, and I bet your family can’t wait to see you. Just a reminder…don’t forget to take mom a keepsake from your time in Portugal…Mom’s love that you know, and will treasure it forever. Good luck on your finals and I can’t wait to see your updates!

    • That’s funny because the only fizzy drink I can drink is 7UP or Sprite..its very weird..everything else I don’t like or is just waaaay 2 fizzy for me..then there’s that fascination I have with apple juice..and my new found liking of water 😀 *he he*
      Once there’s apples in the house..automatically people know they’re I ever came home and there was no dad would get some on the way home from work..but there are always apples in my brother likes sister oranges and my other sister soft red apples (she’s weird..*shudders*) lol..then we all enjoy all the other fruit my dad brings home..and we always try something random and new often..usually something they find at the early morning markets and bring back home by the crate! Ha ha..if noone likes it we can use it 2 make fruit juice at least..ha ha!
      My mother is always telling me what she’s gna cook for me when I get back..and I always tell her 2 stop telling me because I dnt have them here just makes me hungry!
      I’ll definitely get her something..just tryna find the right
      Ooo..and I’m from the UK..not the think I’m American all the time..except for in Portugal where I am told I am staggeringly British (everyone else that speaks english seems to do so with a US accent)! Lol 😛

      • Jk is our apple girl, and it doesn’t matter whether it is juice or the fruit she eats them all by herself. But she likes oranges as well. I’m the cranberry, any berry, banana person in the house, and I love pomegranites and pineapple too. My husband is the cantaloupe person. But we love any of them in smoothies.
        You know you can’t go wrong with a pendant or anything jewelry, or a little knick knack. My sister’s husband was stationed in the Azores when I was in my 30’s and she knew I loved all the pictures that mom and dad took while we lived there. She brought me a tablecloth woven and sewn by hand, and this rooster that are made there. It was painted black with bright flowers of different colors. I still have the tablecloth, but thank you to my kids the rooster lost his life to tennis ball thrown in the house. Maybe find something that your mom wouldn’t see here…something that is handmade in Portugal. It will always remind her of you and the time you were in Portugal, and I guarentee it will always bring warm thoughts to her heart, and thankfulness that you are back home as well.

      • I’d say we were a pretty fruity family pun intended!

        Thanks for the suggestions..she likes scarves and things for the kitchen..I’d love to get her a picture..but I don’t know how I’d get that through customs with the size that I’m looking at..I’ll see what I can find..I don’t want something that seems touristic..I want something personal..

      • Just imagine your mom there shopping with you, and zero in on things she would stop and admire, and tell you she loved.


      • LOL!

  4. You are just too funny! I really enjoyed this post… I am proud to have you as a blogger friend! Actually, I don’t like how that sounds. I am proud to have you as a friend. Period. As if the fact that I met you through your blog makes you any less of a friend. Pshttttttt. (<why do I always type this sound when I never even make it in real life? How would you even make that sound?) Okay, I'm rambling and making no sense… Im done =)

    Thanks for the great post!

    • Looooooool..THAT comment was funny!
      I’m proud to have you as a friend too! The blogosphere is awesome in the bringing together of wow 😛
      Would it be embarrassing for me to say I tried to make that I think I know what sound you are referring too..I don’t really think I use it in real life either..meh..oh well..

      Thanks for reading! Lol

  5. Hang in there Lass. Relax when you can and study when you cant. I wish you the very best of luck with your exams, sure you will not need it. I look forward to updates, and more insights into typing with eyes closed and even possibly when asleep.

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